They still exist!

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Nick Gillespie

“I would argue sex, drugs and rock and roll no longer exist, particularly for younger people.” As the father of two young adults, this is a very on point statement. It is a very different time than the 80s and 90s I grew up in. A lot of crap back then too but also a lot of fun, freedom and a little getting into teenage trouble my kids may have missed out on some. Appreciate Bob Guccione Jr. a lot too - I grew up loathing the PMRC and will always enjoy the fight against that org and anthems like Warrant's 1990 'Ode to Tipper Gore' and Megadeth's 1988 'Hook in Mouth' which expressed some love for the organization. 'This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me; As long as there's a PMRC.' Enjoyed reading over this and am about to take in the full listen. Thanks for hosting it, Nico!

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Addiction still exists though. Try to separate a pre-teen from their IPad or a teen from their phone.

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