My favorite part was when the Stewart Babes came in at the end

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That was a really good conversation. Although I still think Stewart should apologize for ambushing Andrew Sullivan when he had that bad woke show

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Boy, Jon is so full of bad/backward/leftist/progressive information, cliches and dumb ideas. You'd think he might have read a book -- or a magazine article at least -- before he interviewed a libertarian and showed how ignorant he is about economics, capitalism, history and politics. He's dumber than I thought. Nick, send him a David Boaz book or 'Free to Choose' or 'Capitalism and Freedom' or a email him a few Bastiat essays. He's got a lot of learnin' to do.

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Good lord. Don’t be one of those “do the work, people” people. It condescends and repels people simultaneously, not to mention your idea of a better society gets farther away from you.

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DDT got a bum rap... The problem -- for people and eagles -- was the government used it excessively. If you seek future ammo for your pro-DDT arguments -- use this. https://clips.substack.com/p/de-demonizing-ddt?utm_source=publication-search

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