A short film envisioning that last day for him was made and it's very good: https://missliberty.com/tank-man-short-film-about-tiananmen-square-hero/

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王維林(WANG Weilin) was his likely name. A contemporary British paper reported that at the time. Thereafter, it appears that, whoever he really was, he was summarily executed by order of Jiang Zemin, who was at the time, if I recall correctly, hesd of the Military Commissariat at the end and responsible for mopping up afterwards of traitors to the Party after 6/4. (My memory might be faulty on this.) The article below reads persuasively for me. But that is a common name. There must be 100,000 Chinese named Wang Weilin. Good luck anyone finding his family or his friends, if any somehow managed to escape and survive. https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/13/3/1/n3811480.htm

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