Recommended by The Compleat Nick Gillespie
Michael Nayna's Substack is interesting on at least two levels: The content he is posting is always provocative and engaging (even when I disgree with his larger POV). And I love the idea of documentarians sharing more work as it develops--witnessing his "process" is extremely valuable as a consumer of media (and as a producer of it too).
Contra @sophie, I *love* reading at the beach, dating back to my time as a lifeguard at the post-apocalyptic Ideal Beach in then-East Keansburg, New Jersey, which was sandwiched between a sewage treatment plant and a World War II ammo dump and directly across the Raritan Bay from Coney Island, where the decrepit Parachute Jump stood like the last ruin of a once-great civilization. Camus' The Stranger is the ultimate beach read, though these are all great ideas too.