Jun 21Liked by Nick Gillespie

You can see rock stars and movie stars (and politicians) do their thing into their 80s. But the great ones are only around a few years in sports and then they're gone to HOF weekends and insurance commercials. See them when you can.

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Jun 20Liked by Nick Gillespie

Late 50s through late 60s life was a blast in so many ways, and baseball fit in perfectly to the American lifestyle. I miss those days, or at least the memories. I was an aerospace engineer because of the hot times of the space race. It’s hard to believe all the great Americans from that period, and Mays personified to can-do attitude of the period…

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Jun 20Liked by Nick Gillespie

My Willie Mays story: It must have been 1969 or 1970 and I would have been 8 or 9. We went to see the Giants play the Phillies at Connie Mack Stadium (a complete dump that nobody who actually remembers it misses). We got there early, and I remember two things about the game, both from before it started.

We saw Willie in batting practice and he hit one OVER the left field bleachers. Maybe it landed on the roof, but it was impressive.

A little later he came to the stands just beyond first base to sign autographs. A mob of little boys fought amongst themselves to get to the front. We were too far away, although I was very jealous of the kids who were there. An old fart security guy came over to shoo the kids away and Willie chewed him out. The guard slunk away and Willie went on signing.

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